Featured Anthropology Minor: Domenica Voli '24

Domenica "Nica" Voli '24 shares her experiences majoring in Biology and Society and minoring in Anthropology as she reflects on her time at Cornell before graduation.

What inspired you to minor in Anthropology? Do you have a specific area of interest? 

I was first introduced to Anthropology classes through my major, Biology and Society. I found that the Anthropology classes addressed pertinent issues to our society today, and I was interested in learning more about the challenges different populations face. I wanted to learn more about issues happening in the world that were different from my personal experience. Anthropology introduced me to a unique framework for approaching real-world problems; it made me value individual stories and experiences, which will ultimately help me become a better clinician. 


Do you have any favorite classes or have there been professors who have influenced your studies?

My favorite anthropology class that I have taken is Medicine, Culture, and Society. It introduced me to a wide range of issues regarding health, from challenging my ideas of what defines chronic disease to how society manages a global pandemic. 


Do you have any advice for students considering a minor in Anthropology?

My advice to pre-health students is that they should consider an Anthropology minor. The minor allows students to address complex issues in healthcare, helping the student consider multiple viewpoints for complex problems. My anthropology classes have delved into ethical issues in healthcare, social determinants of health, and how we might address health disparities. Ultimately, anthropology helped me view biological problems in terms of social and psychological context, which will help me in medical school and my future career. 


What are your plans for the near future?

I am planning on matriculating into medical school next fall. I will be attending Sidney Kimmel Medical College in Philadelphia, PA. 


What do you think you'll miss most about Cornell/Ithaca after graduation?

I will miss the people here! Everyone I've met at Cornell has been so wonderful and I have met some of my best friends here. I will miss the community I have built here at Cornell and the surrounding Ithaca area, especially through my volunteer work at Cayuga Medical Center and the Loaves & Fishes soup kitchen.         

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Nica Voli